XRP to remote Gnome on Ubuntu 22.04

XRP to remote Gnome on Ubuntu 22.04

Installation of XRP and Gnome

Nathan Obert
Introduction We will be turning a Command Line Interface (CLI) Redhat 9 server hosted at Amazon on EC2 into a full Xwindows based workstation that you can use Remote Desktop Protocal (RDP) to using xRDP. Installation Install the updates sudo apt update -y sudo apt upgrade -y # Kernel Updates wanted a reboot sudo init 6 Install ubuntu-desktop (Gnome, Xwindows, etc) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop -y Install XRDP sudo apt install xrdp net-tools -y # insure xrpd on on ipv4 sudo sed -i 's/^port=3389/port=tcp:\/\/:3389/g' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.
XRP to remote Gnome on Redhat Enterprise Linux 9

XRP to remote Gnome on Redhat Enterprise Linux 9

Installation of XRP and Gnome

Nathan Obert
Introduction We will be turning a Command Line Interface (CLI) Redhat 9 server hosted at Amazon on EC2 into a full Xwindows based workstation that you can use Remote Desktop Protocal (RDP) to using xRDP. Installation Install the updates on your fresh server from Amazon. sudo dnf update -y Install “Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux” (EPEL). sudo dnf install -y sudo dnf repolist sudo dnf makecache Install “Workstation” or “Server with GUI” (not both)