Docker Compose with Podman Redhat Enterprise Linux 8

Docker Compose with Podman Redhat Enterprise Linux 8

Docker Compose with Podman Redhat Enterprise Linux 8

Nathan Obert
Introduction Below is the steps to get docker-compose working with podman. Note, that podman runs in essentially two modes. System mode (owned by root) or User mode where it runs when the user logs in. For development you will want it in user mode if you intend to do development with docker-compose. Installation sudo curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Switch Podman from System Mode to User Mode # may not be necessary sudo systemctl disable --now podman podman.
Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22.04 with CRI-Docker

Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22.04 with CRI-Docker

Installation of Kubernetes Server

Nathan Obert
Introduction We will install a Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22.04 with Docker and CRI-Docker. We are using an r5.2xlarge on Amazon EC2 using Amazon’s provided Ubuntu 22.04. You can get by with a much smaller instance depending on what you plan to run. Installation Update Ubuntu Install the updates on your fresh server from Amazon. ## Update Ubunutu sudo bash sudo apt update -y sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt autoremove -y # if you see kenerl updates you should reboot # init 6 Hostname Your hostname should be in /etc/hosts.
GitHub Actions to automatically build Docker and push to registry

GitHub Actions to automatically build Docker and push to registry

Configuration to have GitHub automatically build and push Docker containers

Introduction GitHub provies “Actions” which are automatic actions that are ran on gitHub for you. This can be used to compile your code, compile your docker image, or do any arbitrary set of commands. This typically is done in software development to automatically push software between development and test. This is typically done to insure all the necessary code, configurations, etc necessary are checked into the source repository. Additionally this insures all the neccessary steps are done uniformly no matter which developer checks in the code.
Rancher Desktop for Kubernetes and Docker on Windows 11

Rancher Desktop for Kubernetes and Docker on Windows 11

Installation of Rancher Desktop for Kubernetes and Docker on Windows 11

Introduction Rancher Desktop is a Kubernetes and Docker platform that is a replacement for Docker Desktop. I’ll be installing and configuring it using the installation guide provided in Rancher’s Documentation Rancher is a replacement for Docker Desktop. Rancher provies you helm, kubernetes, docker, the CRI runtimes of dockerd or containerd kubernetes. It integrates in nicely with WSL if you wish to use Linux instead of Windows. Additionally it lets you choose which version of Kubernetes you want to run.
Docker Cheatsheet

Docker Cheatsheet

Cheatsheet for Docker

Nathan Obert
Introduction This is a quick cheat sheet from Sematext’s Docker Cheatsheet Docker Cheatsheet Tutorial series Get started with Docker: Installation Linux Install script provided by Docker: curl -sSL | sh Or see Installation instructions for your Linux distribution. Mac OS X Download and install Docker For Mac Create Docker VM with Docker Machine You can use Docker Machine to: Install and run Docker on Mac or Windows Provision and manage multiple remote Docker hosts Provision Swarm clusters A simple example to create a local Docker VM with VirtualBox: